Excessive hair, also known as hirsutism, refers to the growth of hair in areas of the body where hair is typically minimal or absent. It can occur in both men and women, but it is more commonly observed in women. Excessive hair growth can be distressing and impact one’s self-esteem and body image.

Excessive hair growth is often caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increase in androgen hormones such as testosterone. This hormonal imbalance can be due to various factors, including genetics, certain medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), medications, or underlying endocrine disorders.

At Skin Cosmetics London, we offer treatment options to address excessive hair growth and help you achieve smoother and more refined skin:

Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal is a popular and effective treatment option for reducing unwanted hair. It uses targeted laser energy to selectively heat and destroy hair follicles, inhibiting their ability to produce new hair. Laser hair removal can be performed on various areas of the body, including the face, underarms, legs, and bikini line. It is a non-invasive procedure that provides long-lasting results with minimal discomfort.

Electrolysis: Electrolysis is a technique that uses a tiny probe to deliver an electrical current to each hair follicle individually. This current destroys the hair follicle, preventing further hair growth. Electrolysis can be effective for treating smaller areas or for individuals with lighter or finer hair. It is a time-consuming process as each hair follicle needs to be treated individually.

Prescription Medications: In cases where excessive hair growth is due to hormonal imbalances, prescription medications may be recommended. These medications, such as anti-androgens or oral contraceptives, work to regulate hormone levels and reduce hair growth. They are typically prescribed in conjunction with other treatments to achieve optimal results.

Topical Treatments: Certain topical treatments, such as creams or lotions containing eflornithine, can help slow down hair growth and make hair finer and less noticeable. These products are applied directly to the affected areas and can be used in combination with other hair removal methods.

During your consultation at Skin Cosmetics London, our experienced clinicians will assess the nature and extent of your excessive hair growth and recommend the most suitable treatment options for you. We will provide personalized care, guiding you through the process to help you achieve smoother, more refined skin, and improved self-confidence.

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    Laser Hair removal


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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is excessive hair?

    Excessive hair refers to the presence of an unusually high amount of hair growth on certain areas of the body. This condition, known as hirsutism, can affect both men and women and is often characterized by the growth of dark, coarse hair in areas typically associated with male pattern hair growth, such as the face, chest, back, abdomen, and limbs.

    Excessive hair growth can be attributed to various factors, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, certain medical conditions, medications, and sometimes, it may have no underlying cause. This condition can significantly impact self-esteem and confidence, leading individuals to seek effective solutions for hair removal and long-lasting results.

    At Skin Cosmetics London, we understand the challenges that excessive hair growth can pose. That’s why we offer a range of advanced hair removal treatments to help you achieve smoother, hair-free skin. Our expert clinicians will assess your unique situation and recommend personalized solutions such as laser hair removal or electrolysis. These treatments target the hair follicles to inhibit future hair growth, providing you with long-term results and freeing you from the burden of constant hair removal methods.

    Say goodbye to excessive hair and embrace the beauty of smooth, hair-free skin with Skin Cosmetics London. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore the options available to address your specific concerns.

    At Skin Cosmetics London, we offer effective treatments to address excessive hair growth and help you achieve smoother, hair-free skin. The steps involved in our hair removal treatments are tailored to provide optimal results and personalized care:

    1. Consultation: The first step is a thorough consultation with our experienced clinicians. They will assess your unique situation, discuss your concerns, and evaluate factors such as your hair growth patterns, skin type, and medical history. This helps us determine the most suitable treatment plan for you.
    2. Treatment Selection: Based on the consultation, our clinicians will recommend the most appropriate hair removal treatment for your specific needs. Options may include laser hair removal or electrolysis, both of which target the hair follicles to inhibit future hair growth.
    3. Treatment Sessions: The number of treatment sessions required will depend on factors such as hair thickness, density, and the treatment area. Laser hair removal typically requires multiple sessions, spaced several weeks apart, to target hair follicles during different growth cycles. Electrolysis involves the insertion of a fine needle into individual hair follicles to deliver targeted energy, and the number of sessions will depend on the extent of the treatment area.
    4. Treatment Procedure: During the hair removal treatment, our skilled clinicians will apply the selected method, whether it’s laser energy or electrolysis, to target and disable the hair follicles. Laser hair removal uses focused light energy to target melanin in the hair follicles, while electrolysis involves the application of electrical currents to destroy the hair follicles.
    5. Follow-up Care: After each session, our team will provide you with post-treatment instructions to ensure proper care of the treated area. It is important to follow these instructions to optimize results and minimize any potential side effects.
    6. Maintenance Sessions: Depending on individual factors, maintenance sessions may be recommended to address any new hair growth and maintain long-term results. Our clinicians will advise you on the recommended frequency of these sessions.

    Our goal at Skin Cosmetics London is to provide you with a safe and effective hair removal journey. Trust our experienced professionals to guide you through the steps involved in excessive hair treatment and help you achieve smooth, hair-free skin. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards your personalized hair removal solution.

    Removing excessive hair at Skin Cosmetics London offers more than just cosmetic benefits—it can greatly enhance your comfort, confidence, and overall well-being. Here are some reasons why you should consider addressing excessive hair:

    1. Boosted Confidence: Excessive hair can have a significant impact on self-esteem and confidence, especially if it affects visible areas like the face or limbs. Removing unwanted hair allows you to feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin, enabling you to embrace your natural beauty.
    2. Smoother Skin Texture: Excessive hair can make the skin feel rough and stubbly. By removing unwanted hair, you can enjoy a smoother and more touchable skin texture, enhancing your overall skin quality.
    3. Convenience and Time-saving: Constantly managing excessive hair growth through temporary hair removal methods like shaving or waxing can be time-consuming and cumbersome. Investing in long-term hair removal treatments, such as laser hair removal or electrolysis, can save you time, effort, and money in the long run.
    4. Improved Hygiene: Excessive hair can trap sweat, dirt, and bacteria, potentially leading to unpleasant odors or skin issues. By removing the excess hair, you can improve hygiene and reduce the likelihood of skin irritation or discomfort.
    5. Enhanced Personal and Professional Appearance: Removing excessive hair can enhance your personal grooming routine and professional appearance. Whether it’s for social engagements, work-related interactions, or simply feeling your best, having smooth, hair-free skin contributes to a polished and put-together image.

    At Skin Cosmetics London, we offer advanced and personalized hair removal treatments to address excessive hair growth. Our experienced clinicians will assess your unique needs, recommend the most suitable treatment option, and guide you through the process. We are dedicated to helping you achieve the comfort, confidence, and aesthetic goals you desire. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore the transformative possibilities of excessive hair removal.

    Excessive hair treatment at Skin Cosmetics London is suitable for individuals who experience unwanted hair growth on various parts of their body and desire a long-term solution. Our treatments are safe and effective for both men and women. The ideal candidates for excessive hair treatment are those who:

    1. Have Unwanted Hair: If you have excessive hair growth in areas such as the face, chest, back, abdomen, or limbs that negatively impacts your self-confidence or causes discomfort, you are a suitable candidate for our hair removal treatments.
    2. Have Different Hair Colors and Skin Types: Our treatments cater to a wide range of hair colors and skin types. While traditional hair removal methods like shaving or waxing may not be as effective for certain hair colors or skin tones, our advanced techniques, such as laser hair removal or electrolysis, can successfully target various hair colors and skin types.
    3. Seek Long-term Results: If you are looking for a long-term solution to excessive hair growth, our treatments provide lasting results. Laser hair removal and electrolysis treatments target hair follicles to inhibit future hair growth, reducing the need for repetitive and temporary hair removal methods.
    4. Desire Convenience and Time-saving: If you are tired of constantly managing excessive hair growth through traditional methods, our treatments offer convenience and time-saving benefits. Investing in a comprehensive hair removal plan can free up your time and energy by minimizing the need for frequent shaving, waxing, or other temporary solutions.
    5. Are Committed to the Treatment Process: Successful hair removal treatments often require multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. If you are committed to attending multiple treatment sessions and following the recommended treatment plan, you are a suitable candidate for our excessive hair treatment.

    During your consultation at Skin Cosmetics London, our experienced clinicians will evaluate your hair growth patterns, assess your unique needs, and recommend the most appropriate treatment option tailored to you. We are dedicated to providing you with safe, effective, and personalized solutions to address excessive hair growth. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on the journey towards smoother, hair-free skin.

    At Skin Cosmetics London, we understand the desire for effective and long-lasting results when it comes to the treatment of excessive hair. While the specific outcomes may vary depending on factors such as hair color, skin type, and treatment method, our experienced clinicians strive to deliver noticeable improvements and a reduction in unwanted hair growth.

    Laser hair removal is a popular treatment option we offer. It utilizes targeted laser energy to disable hair follicles, resulting in a gradual reduction in hair growth. Most clients experience a significant reduction in hair density and thickness, with many achieving long-lasting or permanent hair reduction after completing the recommended series of treatment sessions.

    Electrolysis is another effective method for excessive hair treatment. It involves the use of electrical currents to destroy hair follicles individually. With consistent treatment sessions, electrolysis can lead to permanent hair removal in the targeted areas.

    The exact number of treatment sessions required will depend on factors such as the treatment area, hair density, and individual response. Our clinicians will evaluate your specific needs during the consultation and recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to achieve optimal results.

    It’s important to note that hair growth occurs in cycles, and multiple sessions are typically required to target hair follicles during their active growth phase. With each subsequent treatment, you can expect to see a gradual reduction in hair growth and increased intervals between hair removal sessions.

    At Skin Cosmetics London, we are committed to providing you with safe, effective, and personalized treatments for excessive hair. Our experienced clinicians will guide you through the treatment process and ensure your comfort and satisfaction. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover the transformative possibilities of our hair removal treatments.

    The duration of results from excessive hair treatment at Skin Cosmetics London can vary depending on factors such as the treatment method used, individual hair growth patterns, and hormonal influences. While our treatments provide significant and long-lasting reduction in hair growth, it’s important to note that individual experiences may differ.

    Laser hair removal treatments typically offer long-term hair reduction. Many clients experience a significant decrease in hair density and thickness, with some achieving permanent hair reduction in the treated areas. However, it’s possible for new hair growth to occur over time due to hormonal changes or other factors. Periodic maintenance sessions may be recommended to address any new hair growth and maintain optimal results.

    Electrolysis, on the other hand, offers the potential for permanent hair removal. With each session, individual hair follicles are treated and destroyed, leading to long-term or permanent results. However, it may require multiple sessions to address all hair follicles in a particular area.

    During your consultation, our experienced clinicians will assess your specific needs and provide a customized treatment plan. They will also discuss the expected duration of results based on the chosen treatment method and your unique circumstances.

    At Skin Cosmetics London, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality and long-lasting results. We recommend regular follow-up visits and maintenance sessions as advised by our clinicians to help you maintain the desired results over time. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore the transformative possibilities of our excessive hair treatment options.

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    Client Testimonials

    Shravan Amin
    Shravan Amin
    15. March, 2024.
    Having been with Skin Cosmetics London for now 5 laser hair removal sessions, I wanted to express my gratitude that I chose this clinic to do my course. Goli on the front desk always creates a warm, welcoming ambiance. Parisa, the laser technican, consistently delivers treatments with the utmost empathy and consideration. Over multiple visits, Parisa's reassuring demeanor and expert care have made every session super comfortable, especially as someone who was initially apprehensive about getting laser on my face. They offer flexibility with bookings and competitive pricing. So, for anyone looking for laser hair removal, I definitely recommend Skin Cosmetics London, namely for their customer-centric approach.
    Bushra Anwar
    Bushra Anwar
    13. February, 2024.
    Great place with fantastic service, products and treatments
    Tasvi Shah
    Tasvi Shah
    2. February, 2024.
    Amazing place for laser, I highly recommend! Have had 7 sessions now and it’s been really effective. All the therapists are so lovely and the salon itself is really clean and well designed. Highly recommend to everyone!
    Abrar Mustafa
    Abrar Mustafa
    24. January, 2024.
    Best place in London we always come here from Luton
    Ihsan Khan
    Ihsan Khan
    21. January, 2024.
    Very good service using elite IQ laser in this luxurious clinic in Pinner London
    Alisha Rathor
    Alisha Rathor
    10. January, 2024.
    Amazing service by Parissa! Highly recommend, great results too!! x
    nisha khanom
    nisha khanom
    7. January, 2024.
    I had my first hydra-facial today and I am so amazed with the outcome! My skin looks and feels amazing! First I had a skin consultation which was explained to me so patiently and professionally by Parisa! I am definitely coming back for more treatments! All the staff are lovely and polite!
    mustapha elghawi
    mustapha elghawi
    22. December, 2023.
    Probably the best treatment I’ve had in my life and that is most likely an understatement! 😍
    M M
    M M
    13. December, 2023.
    Great service, excellent staff very professional and caring. Definitely recommend this place.
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